Sunday, August 19, 2007

The occult

While reading ToI, came across the article about numerology.. I don’t exactly believe in it. But still I make a point to read it every week. Its may be because I am allured by the concept of ‘knowing the future’ just like everyone else...Or may be I am trying to invalidate something…I don’t know.

Be it astrology, numerology, or palmistry. It’s nothing but a futile effort to fathom the unfathomable, to predict the unpredictable, to relate the unrelated. Its a never ending search for the existence of almighty God or divinely ordained Destiny or unknown primeval force or whatever you want to call it.

We know this all. Still we go to any extent to find answer to the occult occurrences and hypothesize many theories to justify them. But one should realize that it's best when some questions remain unanswered.

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