Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Universe, Time travel and me

“Universe has a way of course correcting to preserve something that is meant to happen in the future.”
When I read this for the first time I didn’t really buy this time travel theory. Just the idea that our future is ordained by the destiny or it is pre-defined is something like having a blind belief that God exists or believing if one goes to shani mandir every Saturday he will never ever flunk. I used to like the theory which says “history is the sum of all time-travels”. It may be because; I wanna believe that I everythin I do has an impact in one way or the other, whatever I am doing is not completely futile…

But my beliefs were shaken because of a recent incident….

Every-time I used to open the book, the electricity bailed! This has happened way too many times(5 times-to-be-exact) in this week.One more interesting observation: The electricity goes only on the day before my exam.
5 times in 3 days(that too in time period ‘10pm to 2 am’ during which I study) makes it way more than random coincidence.
May be, I am not suppose to study…

May be, Universe really has a way of course correcting to preserve something that is meant to happen.


Sanika said...

Good na- wudnt it be worse if the electricity went while you were watching something on your comp? Now you atleast have an excuse to not study n talk on the phone!

Sanika said...

And just because the exam's over, you don need to stop blogging :P
Plus the proj demo s still left, maybe you'd come up with inspiration a few hours before that!